Blog Design Information

Where Do I Begin?:
Don’t worry, it’s easy to get started. First, you’ll need to decide if one of my pre-made designs fits your needs or if you’d like something designed specifically for you.  Then, in the Extras, decide what kinds of things you’d like to add to your blog to spice it up.  Lastly, fill out the form with as much information as you can. It is not the end of the world if you don’t have all of your decisions made when filling out the form. This is just a way for us to get started and the conversation can, and will, continue throughout e-mail. 

Depending on my workload, timing may vary. I will send you an e-mail with the approximate timing of when I'll have the designs back to you for approval. I know how exciting it is to have something new, so I will do my best to install your designs in a timely fashion.

Your blog is a place for you to write about the things you love in life. Whether that be your family, your pets, your hobbies, or maybe the occasional venting post, it's yours ... and yours alone. I want you to love your blog every time you look at it, since we all know, we look at these often! You may find a design you love in the pre-made section or we can take all of the design elements you love and combine them into one blog designed specifically for you. Below, you will find two different packages: Pre-Made Blog Designs and Custom Blog Designs. Take a look at some of the samples and all the little extras that make a blog your own.

• Pre-made background, header, signature, and button (including installation).  $25
• Custom background, header, signature, and button (including installation).  $50


Custom sidebar titles : $5 each
Custom sidebar titles : $5 each
Custom framed photos : $5 each
Custom sidebar buttons: $8 each
Post title image : $10
3 column template upgrade: $5
    Style 1: Left and right sidebars with post area in the middle
    Style 2: Post area to the left with two sidebars to the right
Horizontal navigation bar : $10
Custom horizontal navigation bar: $20

Once I send you designs for your custom blog, you will have the chance to make changes.  If changes become excessive and it takes longer than the average blog design, a charge of $25/hour will be assessed. I will inform you if you are nearing that point.